Winters California, about 20 minutes East of Davis California...a simple little town, never heard of it until Friday night, September 3rd. We had just spent a little more than 4 hours to drive to Davis, from San Jose. That is just about twice as long as it should normally take. The traffic was caused by a 'Jack-knifed Big rig' on I- 80 so at Vacaville it was a total parking lot. The weather was 105 outside and we were moving at about 1 mph. So we pulled off the road, and contacted my concierge service for a different rout. 30 minutes later we are at our destination, The Hallmark Hotel, in downtown Davis.
We checked in and were introduced to a very lovely local wine from the Turkovich Family Wines and they are located in Winters. Mark and I enjoyed the glass of Tempranillo, a lovely full bodied red. I was ready for just about anything by then, but was surprised to find the wine, so smooth. Mark enjoyed the same type, and from there we devised our goal of taking our 21 year old niece 'tine wasting' oh I mean Wine Tasting the next day.
You see we were in Davis to visit my niece, and Margo's godmother. She is a senior at UC Davis, and wanted to show us the sites of this college town. At the same time, Mark and I were going to take advantage of the godmother-god daughter sleep over and enjoy our own night out after we dropped her off. But first we ate at a wonderful little restaurant. Tucos Wine Market & Cafe, our niece said the food was good, and the service slow, but worth the wait. She was right! Little Margo enjoyed a tasty Buffalo Burger, Mark ate the Ravioli, I had the chicken pot pie, and Claire enjoyed the black bean nachos. We all shared the chocolate cake souffle....Actually we all loved the chocolate cake souffle, good thing we only ordered one. From here we walked to Claire's apartment, the abode for two budding artists of different mediums. Claire is the photographer, and her roommate, Andrea, the painter. This was Margo's glimpse into the world of roommates and university. Of course her glimpse is rather stilted, only because she got to hang out with her god mom, and have the best bubble bath ever and stay up late, and then sleep in and then awake to draw with real oil pastels. Now that is everything a 7 year old would love to do.
We too had a nice night, and woke up to a relaxed breakfast, and then a walk to the coffee shop for that strong cup of joe. We all met at the farmers market. This is a great farmers market, you smell all the spice, the fresh fruits, the is an adventure of sorts to wonder around there. It actually makes me quite jealous, because it is like returning to a small town from many years ago where families met and played at the park. There is a group playing big band music and a singer lending voice to those tunes of old. "Hey Mark, you want to dance?" He says no, but we dance a few steps anyway. And then we all spend the next hour sitting on the grass watching children chase balloons.
At last it is time to move on to the afternoon adventure of wine tasting. We arrive at the Turkovich wine tasting room and enter. We are the second group to arrive, and are pleased to discover the wine and cheese tasting is free! Claire is excited to experience her first wine tasting and we begin to teach her to swirl that wine. She practices with the whites, so she is ready for the reds. Next we show her the legs of a wine, you know the legs that drip down the sides of the glass letting you know how much sugar is in the wine. Meaning the more sugar the higher the alcohol is one of the showy techniques to wine tasting, but has nothing to do with the flavor. We decide to pair the cheese with the wines, and the fun begins. By this time little Margo is involved in playing her smurf games on the I-Touch while we continue in our wine tasting festivities. Claire is a quick study and learns the aeration techniques of wine tasting, you know where you almost gargle the red brew to figure out the subtle flavors that make the red wine so complicated. Next we see the wine maker, and start talking about Winters and wine, and how he got to be doing what he is doing. He had graduated from Cal Poly, and trained at a few other wineries, with the purpose of opening the Turkovich Family Winery. Their tasting room was just opening, and we found out they also made their own cheeses. So we drank, I mean tasted, learned about his family business, and enjoyed the process a bit more. You see Tine Wasting.... I mean Wine Tasting is all about family, and process, and discussion about what you like and don't like of the wine. It is about the smells, and flavors the cups of red provide, and the enjoyment of the flavor. These are the things we want to teach Claire, that there is much in such a little taste to ponder. Sort of like there is much in life we all ponder.
Claire had a great time, we had a great time, and Margo was rewarded with ice cream because she did not complain once while we were Tine Wasting according to her. If you ever head up to Davis, be sure to drop by Winters and try some of the wines at Turkovich Family Wines...
Learning the art of enjoying kids and life as it french perspective.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
To Be a doctor or not to be a doctor or whatever they say.........
In Stiches was very, very funny and reminded me of the crazy med school stories told to me by my sister in law....Let's see the pizza delivery was directed to the cadaver room....or were there some other details left out? But there is more to Anthony Yuen's book then funny really got me thinking about direction in life. You know, how much do we direct our children in their lives? Do we let them choose everything on their own, or do we direct them in only one direction and that is that? Somewhere in the middle I bet is what works overall. However you will find examples of success at the extreme ends too. For instance Anthony became a doctor at the direction of his dad...but Anthony chose what kind of doctor he wanted to be. I don't know what happened with his brother...that is another story....
I watch my brothers and sisters give guidance to their kids who are in college or about to enter college. In all cases they provide a broad plan to follow, mostly, study what you enjoy, but also include something that will get you a job, oh yeah, don't forget to graduate too. So far two have graduated in the prescribed times of their majors, one is working in her field, the other interning to discover what is next for her. Two others are on schedule to graduate in spring of 2012...both of these are studying psychology, one has a certificate in medical billing codes as the way to earn money when she graduates, and then pay for graduate studies once she knows what that shall be. The other is doubling in Fine Arts with an emphasis in photography, and psychology (doing research as an undergrad) oh and she is minoring in Chicano Studies, and is recently certified as a doula. Ask her what she wants to be when she grows up and she says, "I am thinking about graduate school in nursing ... perhaps women's health or midwifery." That was part of her thought process before starting college and is still there 3 years into her studies of everything else. Bottom line, both of these gals will have a skill or two they can use to find a job when they graduate. Oh they are both graduating on time, at least the first time around.
Now I think of the three freshman soon to be sophomores in college. One was invited to check out sailing opportunities with the US Coast Guard. Her parents had the wisdom to send her to a one week long camp two summers ago to check out the guard as an option. She went, loved it, including the crazy fitness level, and well she has sailed on the Eagle across the Atlantic and has all kinds of stories to tell. She is starting her second year at the Coast Guard Academy and will graduate in Marine Environmental Studies. Another nephew is studying physics and is about to start his second year. His dream is mechanical engineering (I think)...In both cases the parents are letting their kids determine their direction. The third of this group is at a small liberal arts college, competing in synchro and working on her liberal arts degree...not sure yet where this will take her...but she has the support of her parents. I think bottom line, that is what is needed most...our kids need the support of their parents.
So that is what I learned or thought about after laughing out loud while reading Anthony's book In Stiches. But mostly I learned, kids know when you love them, even if you do not say it every day. Perhaps that is the most important key to life, loving our kids enough so they really get it, and feel secure enough to make it through growing up.
In Stiches was supplied by the Left to write book club at no cost to me...Hmm I should also say everything I wrote belongs to me too....meaning no views are those of Left to Write....Until the next book...
Anthony Youn's memoir In Stitches gives readers a look into the training of a medical doctor who discovers his passion is plastic surgery. As a member of From Left to Write book club, I received a copy of this book for review. You can read other members postsinspired by In Stitches by Anthony Youn, M.D. on book club day, August 9 at From Left to Write
I watch my brothers and sisters give guidance to their kids who are in college or about to enter college. In all cases they provide a broad plan to follow, mostly, study what you enjoy, but also include something that will get you a job, oh yeah, don't forget to graduate too. So far two have graduated in the prescribed times of their majors, one is working in her field, the other interning to discover what is next for her. Two others are on schedule to graduate in spring of 2012...both of these are studying psychology, one has a certificate in medical billing codes as the way to earn money when she graduates, and then pay for graduate studies once she knows what that shall be. The other is doubling in Fine Arts with an emphasis in photography, and psychology (doing research as an undergrad) oh and she is minoring in Chicano Studies, and is recently certified as a doula. Ask her what she wants to be when she grows up and she says, "I am thinking about graduate school in nursing ... perhaps women's health or midwifery." That was part of her thought process before starting college and is still there 3 years into her studies of everything else. Bottom line, both of these gals will have a skill or two they can use to find a job when they graduate. Oh they are both graduating on time, at least the first time around.
Now I think of the three freshman soon to be sophomores in college. One was invited to check out sailing opportunities with the US Coast Guard. Her parents had the wisdom to send her to a one week long camp two summers ago to check out the guard as an option. She went, loved it, including the crazy fitness level, and well she has sailed on the Eagle across the Atlantic and has all kinds of stories to tell. She is starting her second year at the Coast Guard Academy and will graduate in Marine Environmental Studies. Another nephew is studying physics and is about to start his second year. His dream is mechanical engineering (I think)...In both cases the parents are letting their kids determine their direction. The third of this group is at a small liberal arts college, competing in synchro and working on her liberal arts degree...not sure yet where this will take her...but she has the support of her parents. I think bottom line, that is what is needed most...our kids need the support of their parents.
So that is what I learned or thought about after laughing out loud while reading Anthony's book In Stiches. But mostly I learned, kids know when you love them, even if you do not say it every day. Perhaps that is the most important key to life, loving our kids enough so they really get it, and feel secure enough to make it through growing up.
In Stiches was supplied by the Left to write book club at no cost to me...Hmm I should also say everything I wrote belongs to me too....meaning no views are those of Left to Write....Until the next book...
Anthony Youn's memoir In Stitches gives readers a look into the training of a medical doctor who discovers his passion is plastic surgery. As a member of From Left to Write book club, I received a copy of this book for review. You can read other members postsinspired by In Stitches by Anthony Youn, M.D. on book club day, August 9 at From Left to Write
Monday, July 18, 2011
Tide Pooling with Little Margo, more than just a slippery step.
We are walking over the tide pool areas, we have been carefully stepping over the rocks, and through the seaweed and looking into puddles of water for the past 40 minutes or so. Margo has already tumbled once, and is now holding my hand with every step. Aria, her friend is gliding from place to place, "Margo look over here, a blue banded crab", and then she moves to another spot, Margo is barely able to catch up to the last spot. Finally the words come out, "I don't want to be a land marine biologist, I want to be the diving kind." And then she trudges on, trying to manage the rocky, slippery footsteps, and take a moment to look at the wonder of the living sea creatures hiding in each little pool. We are at the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve at Moss Beach

I am glad she is enjoying herself despite the difficult journey to get from one place to the next. We see all kinds of wonder...the bat star fish, the big purple starfish, both alive, both clinging to the rocks, or relaxed in the pools of the ocean water. Margo is bending over and touching every see anenimi she passes by, and there are lots of them. We walk closer to the edge of the platform, where the rocks meet the incoming tide...and now we find little eels, and limpets, and even sea grass, and little crabs that live in the grass. These two little creatures are holding on, until the tide returns and covers them. They will need to wait a few more hours for sure. About 15 more minutes have passed, and now Margo was ready to return to the car, asking us to walk back to the sandy beach, where she can manage the gravity. Aria and her brother are still engaged in the adventure and study of the little sea creatures...Margo has had it with unsteady walking and slipping and holding onto me, her mom, with every step she takes. What do I do????

I see the rangers talking, not too far from where we are standing, so I separate myself from my daughter and go to speak with the rangers. I think I look a little desperate...I really am desperate because I want Margo to enjoy the tide pools and the treasures they hold, but I do not anticipate all the extra energy she needs to just walk around without tripping. I never remember it being that difficult...but then again I did not struggle with balance either when I was young. So I approach the rangers and quickly explain "My daughter has a developmental motor planning and balance disability which makes it extremely difficult for her to step through the tide pool area. I am not as sure footed as I would like to be while helping her, and well, she is not enjoying the beauty out here. In fact her dream is to become a Marine Biologist, but right now she is about to give up on the whole adventure. Can you come alongside and help her get re-engaged into the beauty of this place?" Neither hesitate to offer help, in fact one of them says, "Oh I remember her, she is the one who needed help crossing the stepping stones to the beach, sure I can help out." Thank God for Ranger Laura, she comes right up to Margo and starts to show her some of the little animals to see, and the next thing you know, Ranger Laura takes Margo by the hand and they begin to walk, watch and talk. Margo relaxes, she is walking with someone more sure footed than her mother, and someone who teaches her about the sea and its environment.
Margo wants to go to the sea caves she observes, and Ranger Laura thinks that is a great idea, and off they go. Soon the other little kids who had started this journey with us, come to Margo and Ranger Laura, to discover along side them. Margo is relaxing and talking about the ocean, and the shells, and the little blue banded crabs. And Ranger Laura stops, bends down and points out the interesting tide pool animals they can see. It continues on like that for almost an hour, and at last Ranger Laura and Margo are walking back on the sandy beach. There Ranger Laura explains why the harbor seals need space for safety...and then she pulls out her binoculars for Aria and Margo to get a look. It is fun....they watch the young harbor seals jump into the cove and swim, and play with each other.
Soon Ranger Laura is called to check on some other area of the tide pools and we walk back to cross over to the other side of the creek. My boot is soaked in the creek, as I slipped off the rock...Margo is clamoring on a fallen tree. At first she wants me to help her across the fallen tree, but no I say, you can do this, just keep crawling to the other side. After a few minutes, she starts making progress, and before you know it she is safe on the other side. Land oh Land, Margo is on solid land, and happily reflects upon a wonderful day.
It is a great day, Margo keeps going, yeah she complains, because she is tired, and anxious about falling on the hard rocks of the tide pools. The best part came because I was at the end of my rope, and asked for help... there was Ranger Laura! I love the ocean, and the tide pools, and I am so glad I can share this adventure with my little Margo. Thank you Gia for the ride, and thank you Ranger Laura for Margo's personal tour and your gentle hand holding while you both walk across the slippery rocks.
I am going to trust that there will be other Ranger Lauras in Margo's life to help her, as she stumbles across a rocky path from time to time...
Margo wants to go to the sea caves she observes, and Ranger Laura thinks that is a great idea, and off they go. Soon the other little kids who had started this journey with us, come to Margo and Ranger Laura, to discover along side them. Margo is relaxing and talking about the ocean, and the shells, and the little blue banded crabs. And Ranger Laura stops, bends down and points out the interesting tide pool animals they can see. It continues on like that for almost an hour, and at last Ranger Laura and Margo are walking back on the sandy beach. There Ranger Laura explains why the harbor seals need space for safety...and then she pulls out her binoculars for Aria and Margo to get a look. It is fun....they watch the young harbor seals jump into the cove and swim, and play with each other.
Soon Ranger Laura is called to check on some other area of the tide pools and we walk back to cross over to the other side of the creek. My boot is soaked in the creek, as I slipped off the rock...Margo is clamoring on a fallen tree. At first she wants me to help her across the fallen tree, but no I say, you can do this, just keep crawling to the other side. After a few minutes, she starts making progress, and before you know it she is safe on the other side. Land oh Land, Margo is on solid land, and happily reflects upon a wonderful day.
I am going to trust that there will be other Ranger Lauras in Margo's life to help her, as she stumbles across a rocky path from time to time...
Monday, July 11, 2011
Coffee with Shua....the best way to enjoy a cup of joe
Coffee Maxine? |
Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, at least according to PEET's Coffee...and Eritrea is the same, but different. Eritrea is next door to Ethiopia, and at one time was part of this large coffee nation. But Eritrea was also a colony of Italy after world war 1 for many years...mix those two coffee drinking cultures together and you come up with a wonderful cup of joe! It is not just a cup of something that has the aroma of wealth, but it is a cup which is made with tradition. A tradition that invests in the development of friendships, and family relationships, not just the black gold.
There is never a quick cup, and in fact we are always offered three cups in series, the first is the strongest, the second a little less so and the third follows in the strength of a good cup of Peet's coffee. But I get ahead of myself, this is the story about Shua, and how she became my friend.
Shua also serves her best in life. I see it as her children have grown and moved to other countries to live...I see her best in the life of Regatt her daughter and Shua's two grandchildren, Soli and Abbi. I watch her care for her husband, Abraham, with kindness. Shua is gentle and kind, and I see that every time we greet one another, and share a smile between each other, and those little becks.
Before her departure from out neighborhood, off to stay with one of her children in another state, Shua provided me with the Eritrean traditional coffee ceremony. I have attended a few Japanese tea ceremonies with my friends while in Japan, and this peaceful ceremony provides the same sense of beauty and grace I had observed many years ago at one of my student's home.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
A story of moms ...are you one?
I hear a little voice say, "Mom, I made you breakfast in bed!" I look at the clock it is 7:00 AM. I am presented with a bowl of cereal on a wooden tray. Next I hear the story of the preparation: “I snuck down the stairs so you would not hear me, and moved the stool to reach the cereal. This was the only cereal I could reach...I was so afraid you heard the stool move...and I used the bathroom downstairs so you would not wake up with the flush, the flush is so loud, I really really wanted to surprise you mom! Were you surprised? Oh...I spilled the milk, just a little bit, but I did it all myself, and I snuck back up carrying the bowl of cereal and then I found the tray upstairs and put the bowl on the tray, and brought it in to you." It is now 7:02, she is smiling quite contentedly, and I am enjoying this bowl of cereal. This is the best bowl of Trader Joe's High Fiber cereal ever! And I tell her that too, along with how surprised I am. Oh, she says she has another surprise...the card she made at school. Downstairs she goes to find it, daddy follows to help her. Next a little paper bag is placed on the tray and hidden inside is the book mark she made for me and the card she constructed at school. Both are perfect, she is my daughter of course. She jumps into bed and crawls over me, with her elbows pointed just the right way so I know it is her, I do not flinch, (but I am screaming inside, imagine a nuggie on your shin bone), "Mom I want to snuggle with daddy right now," "No problem," I say as I wrap my arm around her too. Back to sleep.
But prior to today, I am reading about President Obama's mom. The writer of the article makes the point that being a mom takes courage...and I am thinking about this now. Who are all these courageous mothers I know? What makes them courageous, and often times selfless? Good mom's are a rare breed, but I know a whole bunch of them, perhaps you do to. What makes each one courageous....?
Grandmamma Margo, has five children under five by the time she is 26 years old. No family here in California, living in a land of a different language, and somehow she does it all (and still lives to tell about it, although the trauma of it all reduces her detailed memories into stories we all love to hear.) Mommy Lis, has two grown up kids in college, they love her deeply and you know it when they talk about their mom. In her spare time she helps start a health care clinic on an elementary school campus, initiates a study and eventual program to combat iron deficiency utilizing a cast iron pan, and fresh vegetables.... and well, everyone loves Mommy Lis, but she never brags about her many accomplishments, so I just did! Auntie Julie, passes the bar, and ends up working in health care law at the university level in the midst of raising two brilliant girls and one smart son, all the while keeping her sense of integrity and justice. She encourages her children in the desires of their hearts, and in that way is a great gift to each one. Bottom line, Auntie Julie creates space for her children to be themselves, one a college student, the other a 1st year cadet in the coast guard and the third, a high school student finding his gift in sailing. Auntie Eve, she is the first of our brood to have kids. She is also the first to have children graduated from college too. One is an architect, and enjoying her craft, while the other graduates in May, with a vision of service to those about her. Two different children, applying their talents in different ways, still both the same mom. That is what is so wonderful about moms, we have to learn to recognize the uniqueness of our children and encourage them in their talents. Then there is Auntie Cori, to many she is Dr. Cori, providing incite to other mom's and dads too, about the health of their child. Heck she provides me with lots of incite to my Margo...but when you meet Auntie Cori, she is very down to earth and easy to hang out with. She encourages her kids in all of their activities, it could be hockey, lacrosse or hip hop dancing for her teenage son; ballet, tap, and piano for her littlest one, and that continued support for her college kid, on the synchronized swim team. She works lots of hours every week, even though she says she is on a reduced schedule, and her down time, is with her kids too. You mom's all know about that, our down time is with our kids whether we work or stay at home, somehow it becomes all about our kids. How many miles do you drive each week to ensure your child gets all the activity and life skills involvement they need?
I have another friend with three children, all playing soccer; all on different practice schedules and game times...her husband is a triathlete and practices too. But she does it all, and enjoys her craft of photography and writing. Moms are creative! We have to be! There is no way to be a mom without being creative, what about you, what is your creative solution to school projects, kiddy arguments, and even just serving a meal everyone will eat and even enjoy? I have mom friends who are nurses, and work like crazy caring for patients all day or night, and then come home to care for their children. They even want to keep growing as a person, it is not enough to just make it through the day for them, and in reality it is not enough for any of us mom's to just make it through the day. We are too valuable for that.
I know some moms who adopt to enhance their momminess, or actually their hearts just expand to include others into the family. That is a mommy reaching across an ocean to a little one in a far off land. These mom's have hope for their native born children and those that were birthed into their family through the slow process of paperwork, waiting, more paperwork and waiting again, and then suddenly it is time to go and pick up your child and bring them home. These moms literally expand their borders, and I know more than a few who inspire me with their love and making the family work and grow.
And then I think about all the moms, and I know there are many, who walk through the financial land minds of this current economy and make life happen at home and for others. I truly hope their kids and husbands one day understand all the comfort and wisdom they bring into their daily lives just with the simple wisdom of stretching the dollar for a birthday, or family fun night. Moms don't stop the fun because life is more than a bit stressful, moms don't cave because the world of finance is bouncing all around in fear, these moms move forward and make life better. You moms know who you are, take a big bow.
I know some moms just find out their husbands are laid off, or his pay check is cut, or some other stressful thing is happening at his work. And these moms come up with ways to encourage their hubbies even in the midst of these difficult times. These moms are worth their weight in gold and diamonds...I bet you are one of those moms...are you?
Moms are courageous, moms are brave, and even when we make mistakes, we grow, and learn. And moms, well we have the best seat in the house to enjoy the moments of our children as they grow...we just need to remember to be present to that moment. Remember moms, "your value is greater than rubies"...when my daughter reads that in another mother days card she makes for me she asks, "Mom, am I more valuable than that?" "Oh yes Margo, you are more valuable than rubies, back then that was like gold, you are more valuable than millions of dollars." She is quiet, and then speaks up saying, "Mom I am more valuable than infinity rubies and dollars, more than infinity." She gets it! And I hope each mom that reads this post finds they are more valuable than infinity rubies too, because moms just are!
But prior to today, I am reading about President Obama's mom. The writer of the article makes the point that being a mom takes courage...and I am thinking about this now. Who are all these courageous mothers I know? What makes them courageous, and often times selfless? Good mom's are a rare breed, but I know a whole bunch of them, perhaps you do to. What makes each one courageous....?
Grandmamma Margo, has five children under five by the time she is 26 years old. No family here in California, living in a land of a different language, and somehow she does it all (and still lives to tell about it, although the trauma of it all reduces her detailed memories into stories we all love to hear.) Mommy Lis, has two grown up kids in college, they love her deeply and you know it when they talk about their mom. In her spare time she helps start a health care clinic on an elementary school campus, initiates a study and eventual program to combat iron deficiency utilizing a cast iron pan, and fresh vegetables.... and well, everyone loves Mommy Lis, but she never brags about her many accomplishments, so I just did! Auntie Julie, passes the bar, and ends up working in health care law at the university level in the midst of raising two brilliant girls and one smart son, all the while keeping her sense of integrity and justice. She encourages her children in the desires of their hearts, and in that way is a great gift to each one. Bottom line, Auntie Julie creates space for her children to be themselves, one a college student, the other a 1st year cadet in the coast guard and the third, a high school student finding his gift in sailing. Auntie Eve, she is the first of our brood to have kids. She is also the first to have children graduated from college too. One is an architect, and enjoying her craft, while the other graduates in May, with a vision of service to those about her. Two different children, applying their talents in different ways, still both the same mom. That is what is so wonderful about moms, we have to learn to recognize the uniqueness of our children and encourage them in their talents. Then there is Auntie Cori, to many she is Dr. Cori, providing incite to other mom's and dads too, about the health of their child. Heck she provides me with lots of incite to my Margo...but when you meet Auntie Cori, she is very down to earth and easy to hang out with. She encourages her kids in all of their activities, it could be hockey, lacrosse or hip hop dancing for her teenage son; ballet, tap, and piano for her littlest one, and that continued support for her college kid, on the synchronized swim team. She works lots of hours every week, even though she says she is on a reduced schedule, and her down time, is with her kids too. You mom's all know about that, our down time is with our kids whether we work or stay at home, somehow it becomes all about our kids. How many miles do you drive each week to ensure your child gets all the activity and life skills involvement they need?
I have another friend with three children, all playing soccer; all on different practice schedules and game times...her husband is a triathlete and practices too. But she does it all, and enjoys her craft of photography and writing. Moms are creative! We have to be! There is no way to be a mom without being creative, what about you, what is your creative solution to school projects, kiddy arguments, and even just serving a meal everyone will eat and even enjoy? I have mom friends who are nurses, and work like crazy caring for patients all day or night, and then come home to care for their children. They even want to keep growing as a person, it is not enough to just make it through the day for them, and in reality it is not enough for any of us mom's to just make it through the day. We are too valuable for that.
I know some moms who adopt to enhance their momminess, or actually their hearts just expand to include others into the family. That is a mommy reaching across an ocean to a little one in a far off land. These mom's have hope for their native born children and those that were birthed into their family through the slow process of paperwork, waiting, more paperwork and waiting again, and then suddenly it is time to go and pick up your child and bring them home. These moms literally expand their borders, and I know more than a few who inspire me with their love and making the family work and grow.
And then I think about all the moms, and I know there are many, who walk through the financial land minds of this current economy and make life happen at home and for others. I truly hope their kids and husbands one day understand all the comfort and wisdom they bring into their daily lives just with the simple wisdom of stretching the dollar for a birthday, or family fun night. Moms don't stop the fun because life is more than a bit stressful, moms don't cave because the world of finance is bouncing all around in fear, these moms move forward and make life better. You moms know who you are, take a big bow.
I know some moms just find out their husbands are laid off, or his pay check is cut, or some other stressful thing is happening at his work. And these moms come up with ways to encourage their hubbies even in the midst of these difficult times. These moms are worth their weight in gold and diamonds...I bet you are one of those moms...are you?
Moms are courageous, moms are brave, and even when we make mistakes, we grow, and learn. And moms, well we have the best seat in the house to enjoy the moments of our children as they grow...we just need to remember to be present to that moment. Remember moms, "your value is greater than rubies"...when my daughter reads that in another mother days card she makes for me she asks, "Mom, am I more valuable than that?" "Oh yes Margo, you are more valuable than rubies, back then that was like gold, you are more valuable than millions of dollars." She is quiet, and then speaks up saying, "Mom I am more valuable than infinity rubies and dollars, more than infinity." She gets it! And I hope each mom that reads this post finds they are more valuable than infinity rubies too, because moms just are!
Friday, March 18, 2011
First cavities, yes more than one!!!!!
I have no photo to take your through the steps of pediatric dentistry and filling those little cavities, but I can tell you Little Margo's story of the process. It really is still bright in my mind, or should I say engraved in my mind....Last month Little Margo had her first checkup for 2011, I was not expecting anything out of the ordinary except cavity free teeth, but to my chagrin, she had two cavities, on the same side of her mouth, one up and one below. It turns out her adult molars had come in on that side, squishing her teeth together, and the inconsistent use of dental floss created the opportunity for a cavity or in this case two to appear on the digital Xrays! Next question, "Would you like to use the Nitrous Oxide gas, she won't mind anything we do after that?" I decided to say no, hoping this process would make an impression about the importance of brushing and flossing daily. Plus it would cost an extra $74.00 dollars, which we do not have in the budget if we used the gas. Was I mean? Was I a cheap scape? My hubby and I talked it over, and decided we could start out with this process and then if gas is necessary let it flow, let flow, let it flow. (Gee sort of sounds like an old winter song...)
I also talked to my own dentist, who also works on kids, and she said Margo would be fine without the Nitrous Oxide. Dr. Jackie, one of the other dentist's of Dr. Ligh's practice also felt she could talk Margo through the procedure without much trouble. So the decision was made. I was also instructed not to mention the shot, or details of the procedure ahead of time, Dr. Jackie was going to do all the coaching. Yes I did listen to this advice in every way. Margo asked, "will it hurt?" "Only a pinch," I responded, "Dr. Jackie will tell you all about it." With that said she was calm for the next few weeks, and that brings us to today.
Today was like any other day at the start, except we rushed to the dentist rather than rushing to school. We arrived on time, and within a few moments Little Margo, was called to the back. Of course she was followed by her dad, (Mark) and myself. I was the last to enter the room, and the first to leave at the site of the shot. I just could not take it, I still hate shots, and I could not believe I was going to let the dentist give Margo a shot....Ok, now you know why I brought Mark. He had to be there, not to hold Little Margo's hand but to hold mine, and allow me to "hide behind his back". Oh yeah, this is about Margo not me...OOOOps.
Dr. Jackie did an excellent job talking Margo through the process. There was the 'fizzy gell' applied on the gum and the tooth to help numb it a little bit prior to 'the pinch'. Margo was a little scared of this, not because it hurt but because it felt so different. Dr. Jackie's calm voice with a smile, said, "are you a little scared of the feeling? This is the fizzy tingling part I told you about, that is all." At the appropriate time, came 'the pinch', yes there was a bit of letting the doctor know, "this hurts, aah..." and then the dance began. It was a dance between administering 'the pinch', and allowing Margo a little break between applications. "Can you count to 20 while I do this, we just need 20 seconds?" And you hear the brave voice, say "hmm hhm." The dance continued, until both areas were shot with Novocaine. Now I must confess, I snuck out of the procedure room when the shots were going to be applied, but I stood outside and heard every word. Mark stayed, held Margo's hand, and was a steady encouragement to her.
Numb, teeth, numb tongue, numb cheek, numb chin later, and the cavities are drilled, filled polished and complete. Did you know Margo was taught the drill is a brush, to clean all the bacteria away. In fact before Dr. Jackie used any tool that made noise, she would describe it and turn it on outside of Margo's mouth, so she would not be surprised by any of the sensations. Dr. Jackie, talked the entire time about what she was doing or going to do in ways a child could understand and not be afraid. One hour later, we had two teeth filled with composite material, adult teeth sealed, and Margo's mom, resting comfortably against the back of her husband. (No sweating, feeling faint, or any other type of fear driven symptom for me!)
I just dropped Margo off back at school with a soft lunch now in place and soup planned for dinner. Little Margo was happy that her cheeks did not look swollen, although they sure felt it. She was assured that no one could tell anything happened. As I write this final paragraph, I can see my Little Margo eating lunch with her friends, knowing how brave she had been. I also believe, she will not want as much candy and other sweets to ward off another cavity experience. Oh yes, she is now very diligent at flossing and brushing her teeth. So perhaps the 'no gas' route was the correct action to take.
If your child needs to have a tooth extracted, then enjoy reading Loosing the first tooth...Lots to learn! This one has lots of pictures.
I also talked to my own dentist, who also works on kids, and she said Margo would be fine without the Nitrous Oxide. Dr. Jackie, one of the other dentist's of Dr. Ligh's practice also felt she could talk Margo through the procedure without much trouble. So the decision was made. I was also instructed not to mention the shot, or details of the procedure ahead of time, Dr. Jackie was going to do all the coaching. Yes I did listen to this advice in every way. Margo asked, "will it hurt?" "Only a pinch," I responded, "Dr. Jackie will tell you all about it." With that said she was calm for the next few weeks, and that brings us to today.
Today was like any other day at the start, except we rushed to the dentist rather than rushing to school. We arrived on time, and within a few moments Little Margo, was called to the back. Of course she was followed by her dad, (Mark) and myself. I was the last to enter the room, and the first to leave at the site of the shot. I just could not take it, I still hate shots, and I could not believe I was going to let the dentist give Margo a shot....Ok, now you know why I brought Mark. He had to be there, not to hold Little Margo's hand but to hold mine, and allow me to "hide behind his back". Oh yeah, this is about Margo not me...OOOOps.
Dr. Jackie did an excellent job talking Margo through the process. There was the 'fizzy gell' applied on the gum and the tooth to help numb it a little bit prior to 'the pinch'. Margo was a little scared of this, not because it hurt but because it felt so different. Dr. Jackie's calm voice with a smile, said, "are you a little scared of the feeling? This is the fizzy tingling part I told you about, that is all." At the appropriate time, came 'the pinch', yes there was a bit of letting the doctor know, "this hurts, aah..." and then the dance began. It was a dance between administering 'the pinch', and allowing Margo a little break between applications. "Can you count to 20 while I do this, we just need 20 seconds?" And you hear the brave voice, say "hmm hhm." The dance continued, until both areas were shot with Novocaine. Now I must confess, I snuck out of the procedure room when the shots were going to be applied, but I stood outside and heard every word. Mark stayed, held Margo's hand, and was a steady encouragement to her.
Numb, teeth, numb tongue, numb cheek, numb chin later, and the cavities are drilled, filled polished and complete. Did you know Margo was taught the drill is a brush, to clean all the bacteria away. In fact before Dr. Jackie used any tool that made noise, she would describe it and turn it on outside of Margo's mouth, so she would not be surprised by any of the sensations. Dr. Jackie, talked the entire time about what she was doing or going to do in ways a child could understand and not be afraid. One hour later, we had two teeth filled with composite material, adult teeth sealed, and Margo's mom, resting comfortably against the back of her husband. (No sweating, feeling faint, or any other type of fear driven symptom for me!)
I just dropped Margo off back at school with a soft lunch now in place and soup planned for dinner. Little Margo was happy that her cheeks did not look swollen, although they sure felt it. She was assured that no one could tell anything happened. As I write this final paragraph, I can see my Little Margo eating lunch with her friends, knowing how brave she had been. I also believe, she will not want as much candy and other sweets to ward off another cavity experience. Oh yes, she is now very diligent at flossing and brushing her teeth. So perhaps the 'no gas' route was the correct action to take.
If your child needs to have a tooth extracted, then enjoy reading Loosing the first tooth...Lots to learn! This one has lots of pictures.
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